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The Standard American Diet - What it is and where it's taking us

It's somewhat difficult to present any specific list or combination of foods that we can point our finger to and say "...this is the Standard American Diet...".
It can be more accurately explained though, by describing the average American.
The average American is a very busy person who's life is dictated by pleasure and convenience, hence the popularity of fast food and the plethora of flavors and packages
that it comes in.
In a nutshell, our busy, busy schedule drives us to seek out foods that are fast and convenient, ex: prepackaged and fast foods.
Because our busy lifestyle is motivated by.....Click here to read the rest of this article.


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What is MnemeTherapy?

MT uses everyday pleasurable experiences such as singing, movement, painting and

storytelling in a unique combination to create whole brain communication and stimulate a natural process called neuroplasticity.

Neuroplasticity, (also called brain plasticity) is a recent discovery in the last few years that describes the ability of the nervous

system to adapt to changed circumstances, to find new ways of learning.

A common and surprising consequence of neuroplasticity is that the location of a given function can “move” from one location to

another in the brain and new neural

pathways created.

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